There are three bedrooms upstairs. All three of them are quite small. We decided my daughter would get the attic bedroom. It just looks like a girly room with it's low ceilings and painted wood floors. You can see from the before photo that this room was in very poor shape. We pretty much gutted the whole room. We carried 70 five gallon buckets of plaster down the stairs for disposal. It was exhausting! Hubby sealed up the old chimney opening and framed around it. That's where the bed sits now. I actually chose an exterior wood paneling to get the tongue and groove look that I wanted. It went up really easy and after a light sanding painted up nice. The floors were sanded mostly by hand with an orbital sander. I painted them with porch and floor paint (Dove white). It came out a little more cream than I had anticipated, but I was ok with it. They have held up quite well. A few scuffs here and there, but nothing the good old magic eraser can't clean up. I must say, I was a little nervous about moving from a home with wall to wall carpet to a house with all wood floors , but I absolutely love it! I love being able to swiffer under the beds.

Hubby made good use of some of that extra attic space and framed in a little closet for our girl. He found an old door in one of our barns and just cut it down to size. It worked out perfectly. I'm happy with how this room turned out. It's very cozy and most nights I wish I could crawl in bed and sleep with the girl for the night. No offense to my hubby, but if you could see the master bedroom you would certainly understand. We have yet to tackle that room and it's very creepy. There is a large peace sign spray painted on the middle of the floor and the room looks like something that could be featured on an episode of hoarders. :) That has been the hardest part of this renovation...feeling like nothing has a place and there is no organization. It has also been the most rewarding part, finishing a room and seeing it all come together...moving all of our things in and putting them in their place. The sense of accomplishment we feel is so rewarding.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and your New Year is off to a great start!!